Our North Atlantic Razor Clams are sourced from local clam harvesters who “hand scratch” them fresh from sand flats on the coast of Gloucester, Essex, and Ipswich, Massachusetts. Also referred to as “Jackknife Clams”, bivalve North Atlantic razor clams are so named for their shells’ resemblance to the shape of an old-fashioned straight edge razor. North Atlantic razor clams are delicious and easy to prepare.
Note: This product is priced based on the market value – prices are subject to change at any given time. This product is also subject to weather variables and there may be a delay in your order based on availability.
Price per Pound: $16.50
Package Size: 2 lb. Bag
Scientific Name: Ensis directus
Harvest Area: Gloucester, Essex, and other Ipswich Bay Clam Beds